16 Letting the Breath Go guided meditation

16 Letting the Breath Go guided meditation post image

There are not only two kinds of breath: deliberate and automatic. There is a whole spectrum between and in fact our understanding of intention is much better felt, sensed, and experienced than defined in words. This breath meditation explores the realities of our relationship with the breath and is a powerful way to come to the stillness that sees it all.

I sure hope this has been helpful to you in your exploration of meditation.

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  • Katy Smith

    Beautiful. I loved going through this guided meditation! I often forget about how important and powerful breath is. It’s good to be mindful of it again.

  • Alexa

    I can feel how your words are helping me release tension. I find it very pleasant to do these guided meditations and I’m just getting started; can’t wait to hear your other podcasts!

    • http://ishouldbemeditating.com AlanKlima

      Nice! Each one is different but after you do them for a while you’ll see that they all go together and go in the direction that feels right.