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  • Andrea Robinson

    Oh, this meditation was such a gift. I really did feel lighthearted and warmhearted throughout. In fact, I actually felt as if one of my foster kittens was sitting on my chest, purring. It was really delicious.

    I also plugged into something really creative during this meditation. For the most part, I was just kind of floating … but then the words started coming that I would be using in a TEDtalk. I really appreciate this, because it’s something I’ve been working on for a few days, and didn’t really have anything inspiring to say. But I realized that all I had to do was be myself.

    Thank you so much for this meditation. It was precious. And I’ll be replaying it, I’m sure.


    • Daniel

      That is such a great way of putting it Andrea, now I think of it the feeling this mediation gave me was also similar to my cat purring lovingly on my chest.

      Alan, you have awakened me to the beauty and power of meditation, Thanks so much and see you next time :)

      • Andrea Robinson

        Thanks, Daniel :)

    • http://ishouldbemeditating.com AlanKlima

      Yeah great image Andrea! I know what you mean about things coming to you. Everything is created out of the silence and stillness. So it’s no wonder that things come to us when we get quiet and still and warm in the heart. But then again… it always feels like a wonder! Which is such a great pleasure.

      • Andrea Robinson


  • JessicaKx

    We already have it deep inside us, its just finding it and bringing it out is the challenging part, thanks to your help I am starting to feel truly warm hearted <3

    • http://ishouldbemeditating.com AlanKlima

      Exactly! As we come to love this more and more, we will naturally be drawn and attracted in this direction rather than toward what is “wrong” with us and with others, and then it is easier. Much easier than being the other way around!

  • Frank Green

    True Jessica, we do have it all inside of us. It may certainly be difficult to re-connect to it sometimes due our busy minds but, as always, I find Alan’s meditation a true gift to the mind who listen and let’s itself be guided by it.

    Alan, as always, thank you. Another meditation I find immensely valuable.

  • Elizabeth Griffin

    Listening to this……has my body just feeling super relaxed, my mind has cleared….I feel more receptive to what gifts may be given to me. Another great podcast Alan. :) This is what a lot of people need to do…..but unfortunately, they won’t/can’t take the time to take care of themselves….truly. With your podcasts, you’ve helped me immeasurably.

    • Andrea Robinson

      Some will, Elizabeth, when the time is right for them. I think it’s up to us to take full advantage, feel the benefits, and when people find out what we’re doing, they’ll feel more open-minded about it. At least that’s how it worked for me. I love your description of how it made you feel. It’s warm. :)

  • Katy Smith

    This was so warm and relaxing! I just felt so safe and comfortable. Thank you!