Relax into this mindful body scan and start developing skills to make the experience of the body joyful and interesting to play with. We move our attention through every inch of our body kindly noticing and becoming aware of what is already there. It is a simple technique to get in touch with bodily sensations and cultivate a real sense of pleasure in the body. A meditation skill that can be used anywhere and at any time to simply look inside the body and ‘feel what it feels’ with kind and mindful attention.
Pleasant Body
Relax into this mindful body scan and start developing skills to make the experience of the body joyful and interesting to play with. We move our attention through every inch of our body kindly noticing and becoming aware of what is already there. It is a simple technique to get in touch with bodily sensations and cultivate a real sense of pleasure in the body. A meditation skill that can be used anywhere and at any time to simply look inside the body and ‘feel what it feels’ with kind and mindful attention.