Soaking In What It Is To Realize

Soaking In What It Is To Realize post image

In this meditation we bring our attention to ‘being present.’ without assuming what that is. What does it really feel like to be present now? What is it like when we recognize our presence, and attention is close to us, not dispersed and feeling like it is far? We observe what that state is like; we focus on registering the moment. In doing so we build up a connection with that. Then it can become a force in our lives, one we don’t have to work to maintain all the time. So, let’s take a moment to sense our presence and soak in the goodness it brings into our lives, and help make that connection stronger bit by bit.

I sure hope this has been helpful to you in your exploration of meditation.

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  • Robert

    Hi Alan. This meditation made me realize that it doesn’t matter if I get irritated that I began thinking ‘again’, because even THAT thought is part of the noise. So for now, the irritation is gone and I just enjoy the coming and going of useless thoughts. Even when my mind appears silent, it isn’t really. There always seems to be some background noise. My question now is, who the heck is noticing all of this????

    Anyway, thanks for the great GM! I’m always grateful for the help Signor Universe sends my way.

    (hmmm… no ONE notices???)

    • AlanKlima

      Hi Robert,
      Sounds like you got right to the point. I’m happy to hear that the figure and the ground are coming clear for you. It’s sinking into your beingness, which is real understanding. The mind, or what I like to use the word to refer to, is never silent. The mind IS thought. That’s what it does. Why should we care?

      Which brings up the question that you also naturally arrived at: Why should WHO care? What is it or who is it that knows the mind?

      The fact that you naturally arrive at this question through your own practice is a great sign. Very happy for me.

      So now… look into that. Who is here knowing this and that and everything? It’s not you as in your personality, thoughts, intentions, irritations or pleasures, because all those things are known by you. You see them change over the years and over the moments. What sees this?

      There is no verbal answer.

      It’s you. You as you are, You are the answer.

      • Robert

        Hi Alan. It’s been a few weeks since I read your reply and I’ve been wanting to reply, but haven’t known how, as if there was a proper way to respond. That’s the mind I live with. It’s the one that wants everything to be perfect and have all it’s ducks in a row.

        Having said that, I’ve discovered lately, that this chattering mind doesn’t want me to let go, or fall off the cliff. It loves to have control, I guess as a way of feeling secure and safe, as if there was such a thing in this world. My point is, intuitively, I understand that everything has to be let go, and the moment I attempt to release (everything), the mind quickly steps in and says, nuh uh. Not going to happen, son. Not on my watch, anyway.

        So this is the struggle, at the moment. It feels like that moment when I’m in a cold swimming pool and I want to just immerse myself completely, but the fear of the sudden shock scares me into waiting just a moment or two longer. The only way to do it is to not thing about it and do it. But that’s the catch, because the thinking doesn’t stop.

        I wonder if disengaging from the thinking mind, maybe through mindfulness practice, is the first step. If I’m sitting quietly, I can see my thoughts roll by, but most of the time, I identify with them.

        Alan, I want to say thank you, for your reply, your podcasts and your guided meditations. You’ve been most helpful.

        This is where I’m thinking of the right thing to say at the end of a post. Blah blah blah, my non-stop, want everything to be perfect, mind.

        Have a great day Alan, and also you, other meditator. :)
        (sure, we’ll go with that)

        • AlanKlima

          Hi Robert! Better late than never! (plus, see below) I think one of the things that makes this difficult is that so many mindfulness and meditation teachings get it very wrong about what is actually happening with thinking and attention and meditation. As I saw in your first message, you are on the right track. Now the next step is to clear away the ideas about thinking that are getting in the way. And the funny coincidence is that I’ve just been focusing on this very thing and I’ve made it my mission now to clear this up. So maybe this is the right time to reply! I’m going to send this new eBook to everyone on the Ishouldbemeditating mailing list soon. I have already started sending it to brand new subscribers. If you want to get it right now I did put it up on our other new website as of yesterday. I really think you should read it, and then get back to me. I’ll also be having some free phone conferences on the topic in the near future, but I think now is the time to respond right away. I really want to clear this up!! Here is a link to get the eBook “Snap Out of Thinking”:

          • Robert

            Okie dokie. Thanks Alan. I have downloaded the ebook and 5 audio files. I hope to report back soon.