32: Intimate with Your Inner Mental Attitude

32: Intimate with Your Inner Mental Attitude post image

This guided meditation focuses on the inner mental attitude, on becoming intimately familiar with it. By reinforcing our connection of attention with the inner mental attitude, we head off cycles of negative thought and emotion sooner, naturally, and effortlessly. This practice sets this positive influence in our lives in motion. Practice it often! Good thing is, its easy and enjoyable.

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  • Kelly Sheldrick

    You are what you think you are – I think people underestimate the power of positive and negative thinking. I definitely try and strive towards positive thinking, as if I think positive, I am positive and then positiveness will be attracted to me (ie. the people around me will also be more positive). I believe that positive meditation will also lead to a more happy and positive life.

  • lily

    this is something I really want to achieve soon; becoming intimated with my mental attitude, I often find my mental state hard to understand, but with practice through mediation I am going to become one with my mental state..

    • http://ishouldbemeditating.com AlanKlima

      Great intention! It’s a bit subtle, but not that subtle really. Eventually we’ll se that it is possible to check in on ourselves and see what our inner mental attitude is, and even shift it a bit. The “default attitude” is often causing us a little unnecessary discomfort.

    • Christopher Allen

      I think we all have our own problems in sometimes understanding our inner self. We all have that part that frightens us but we need to try to explore it with the help of meditation and maybe understand some of it so that it doesn’t scare us as much.

  • Katy Smith

    Sometimes I find it frightening to become intimate with myself, but this meditation really helped me get rid of some of those negative thoughts that were creating barriers.