I sure hope this has been helpful to you in your exploration of meditation.

If so,

there is a way to go deeper: join my FREE Facebook Meditation Group


See you in there I hope!


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Feel Connected to Something that Calls Attention Home

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  • Ellie Moloney

    Another great podcast. Thank you for all the effort you put in. Every time after listening to your podcasts I feel that I get more out of my meditation sessions.

  • Andrea Robinson

    Something really delightful is happening all of a sudden because of listening to a number of your guided meditations. Sometimes, like today, I actually felt like meditating. Not because anything was wrong or because I had something to resolve, but because I just felt like it. And that’s kind of amazing because I’ve generally been a resistor when it comes to meditation. This is a really nice place to be.

    Maybe it’s partly because I decided that this was my year of peace and calm – this was the year I would stop vacillating between raucous joy and miserable depression. And the opportunity to get these guided meditations at home was a really nice rendezvous. I love what you’re saying about it doesn’t have to take any effort to let things be as they are, because they are already that way!

    Thanks so much!
