54: Appreciating Presence

how to meditate

Thoughts and worries can seem to distract you. By practicing this simple exercise you are reminded of the power of feeling your breath. Staying with the breath allows your inner mental attitude to brighten. Appreciating your presence. Being at home in your body and mind.

I sure hope this has been helpful to you in your exploration of meditation.

If so,

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See you in there I hope!


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Feel Connected to Something that Calls Attention Home

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  • Leo

    I am glad to see that you are publishing new guided meditations again. Thank you for all the hard work; its products are excellent!
    Have you thought about starting a Patreon campaign? https://www.patreon.com/

    • http://ishouldbemeditating.com AlanKlima

      Thanks Leo! It is a lot of work and I have thought of funding it with patreon. In fact something is going to be necessary because there are actually two other people producing the material now. I’m only doing the recording and they are doing everything else. I already have something else to offer that is almost finished that will do the trick, I think. I’m excited to share that with you, but it’s going to be another couple weeks I think!