Guided Body Scan Meditation – 35 min.

Guided Body Scan Meditation – 35 min. post image

Today’s guided body scan meditation is medium-length, definitely enough to sink very deeply into awareness of the body. This is one of the fundamental practices of meditation, because it sensitizes us in a way that helps any other kind of meditation we do. Mindfulness of the body helps us come out of excessive thinking, deal with moods and emotions, and expand the range of our awareness of sensation ranging from pain to the most subtle sensations. This flexibility is of utmost importance to the curious and inquiring meditator, and sensitizing the attention to the subtlety is of immense importance down the road.

I sure hope this has been helpful to you in your exploration of meditation.

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  • Andrea Robinson

    This was a very centering exercise. I’ve been feeling very angry about something lately, and I heard your words about not letting your life slip by. The meditation returned me to the present moment, in which everything is safe and going fine. I realize that most of the time, my body feels really good and hasn’t given me any troubles at all. I very rarely think about it.

    I’m wondering if this can become a key for me when I’m trying to move from anger to peace, acceptance, and easy-ness. I’m irritated a lot (yes, it’s always with other people – animals don’t make me mad), and I’m struggling with finding acceptance within – acceptance of myself and whatever other people do. I always feel like someone has to be right and someone has to be wrong, and it’s very confusing how to move out of that space without being phony.

    I hope these meditations can help. Thank you, Alan.
